Library Hub Discover celebrates International Open Access week 23-29 October 2023
Library Hub Discover supports the UK library community with knowledge sharing through the aggregation of major UK and Irish library catalogues on one platform. Discover includes Open Access content, alongside other content from library collections and Open Access services.
Visit International Open Access Week to find out more.
Highlights of the Open Access content on Discover
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
Contains academic, peer-reviewed open access books.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Contains ca. 12,000 open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science and humanities.
A digital preservation repository with a highly functional access platform. A not-for-profit collaborative of academic and research libraries preserving 17+ million digitized items.
Jisc Historical Texts is a full text digital archive of over 460,000 texts published in the late C15th to the long C19th from four key collections. Of these, the UK Medical Heritage Library (UKMHL) (1800s-1900s) collection provides Open Access content.
Jisc Journal Archives brings together content from 8 major publishers: Brill, Institution of Civil Engineers, Institute of Physics, ProQuest, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, the Royal Society of Chemistry and Taylor and Francis.
How to identify Open Access material on Discover
To search for Open Access materials, you can add the term OA or “open access” to your other search terms. e.g Politics & Governance OA
Where we can identify that a document is Open Access you will see the orange open access ‘lock’ symbol below the item details in the search result list.

In the result list, if you select the title of a document this takes you to the Full record display which will often contain multiple links to an online resource. Any link that includes a library name may require a login, so unless you belong to that institution start by looking for a link that takes you directly to the document e.g. to the Directory of Open Access Books, or perhaps the publisher web site.
You can also contact your own library service to see if they can advise regarding access to particular resources.
Visit Jisc Library Hub Discover to find Open Access resources.
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