
Explaining how Jisc supports the e-resources management lifecycle

A new animation has been developed, which aims to explain more clearly to you, our services users and potential users, just how our services support your activities around e-resources management. Visit our ‘How we support e-resources management‘ page to explore the information about our services and activities. (Hover over any of the circles to find […]


Jisc at UKSG 2017

This year’s conference saw a record number of Jisc presentations on the main programme, six in total, on a range of topics from University presses to a new research data shared service. Each one highlighting the increasing range of activities from Jisc in support of libraries and the scholarly communications sector. There were also 3 […]


Library Support: Presenting Jisc’s offer

Part of the work to transform Jisc’s library support services includes presenting a clearer image to our users of what our offer to libraries is. With that in mind, we have begun to refresh our Library Support page. The aim of the refresh was not to present just a list of our services as before, […]


Launching the transformation project for Jisc’s library support services

With the release of the Jisc library support services: enhancing efficiency and effectiveness report and Head of Library Services and Jisc Collections Director, Liam Earney’s blog post to coincide with SCONUL‘s summer conference theme of ‘library transformation’, this project will now begin in earnest. We already know what we want to achieve in 2016-17 and […]