We are pleased to announce the launch of a beta NBK resource discovery interface. At launch, this contains data from 43 NBK libraries, and over 6.8 million records. More libraries will be added during 2018, as their data is received and processed.
The beta resource discovery interface is primarily aimed at allowing contributing libraries to check and assess the processing of their data and the data matching procedure, and to give us feedback on how bibliographic and location data is handled. As we will be making changes based on this feedback, the NBK data handling in this beta interface should not be considered stable.
Contributing libraries will be sent information about how to supply feedback.
While other users are welcome to use the beta resource discovery interface, please be aware that neither the design, functionality, nor coverage reflect what will be available at the launch of the full NBK resource discovery interface in 2019. A separate project to design the NBK resource discovery interface will be running during 2018, and we are not currently requesting feedback on the design or functionality of the beta resource discovery interface.
If you have any questions, or are a library who would like to contribute to the NBK, please contact nbk.copac@jisc.ac.uk