Jisc have convened four community data groups to look at issues and possible interventions that might be made to enhance the quality and efficiency of library bibliographic and holdings data (https://libraryservices.jiscinvolve.org/wp/2017/12/nbk-group). These groups are running from now until the end of July 2018, and will be reporting their finding and progress to the community through […]
The NBK team are out and about, speaking at and attending lots of events over the next few months. Here’s where you can see us talk about the NBK: 23 April: NBK Community Roadshow, Staffordshire University 9-10 May: CILIP Wales conference 24 May: WHELF Collection Development event 11-13 June: SCONUL Conference 13 June: WHELF/HEWIT colloquium […]
Jisc will be delivering more sessions than ever at this year’s UKSG conference in Glasgow. The scale reflects the breadth of our activities and where we are engaged on behalf of or in partnership with you, our members to deliver on your needs. Our sessions include a number on open access from Liam Earney’s plenary […]
CMCAB February 2018 Meeting
Here is our summary of discussions at the latest meeting of the Jisc Collection Management Community Advisory Board, held on February 8th 2018. The Board reviewed Terms of Reference for 2018, adding an oversight of NBK activity, specifically in relation to collection management, to our role and purpose. Service Updates: It was agreed that The […]
The National Bibliographic Knowledgebase (NBK) is a transformative new national service that will aggregate bibliographic data at scale and link with a number of other data sources to help users to more effectively find, access and use print and digital scholarly resources. It will also greatly enhance the ability of libraries to more effectively manage […]