Penelope Zarganis, Librarian at the British School at Athens, tells us about a project to digitise the library’s unique collection of aerial photographs of Greece… The British School at Athens (BSA) is a post-graduate research institute for Hellenic Studies, one of the 7 British International Research Institutes sponsored by the British Academy. The School’s library […]
The 12th Performance Measurement in Libraries conference has just concluded in Oxford and provided Jisc its first opportunity to publicly present the outputs of the Library Data Labs project, which ran in the summer of 2016. This is a Jisc and HESA collaboration to deliver community developed interactive, visualised dashboards via HESA’s Heidi Plus service. […]
CMCAB June 2017 Meeting
The Jisc Collection Management Community Advisory Board met on 29th June. Here is a summary of our discussions: As usual an update on CCM Tools & Copac activity was provided. Highlights included: The CCM Tools pilot with the University of Sydney is progressing. We are working on providing a MARC exchange upload facility. Once established […]
Erika Delbecque, Special Collections Librarian at the University of Reading, tells us about some of the more unusual items they hold… The holdings of the University of Reading Special Collections Service, which were added to COPAC earlier this year, are incredibly varied. They range from notebooks by Samuel Beckett to a medieval schoolbook and Russian […]
Tony Pilmer, Librarian at the National Aerospace Library, picks out some of the things that make the library special… The National Aerospace Library is the rather grand name of the library and archive of the Royal Aeronautical Society. The Society is open to anyone who is professionally interested in aeroplanes, helicopters, drones, launching things into space, hot air […]