Please find below a summary of the Jisc Collection Management Community Advisory Board (CMCAB) meeting held on 3rd February 2017. We have received some positive responses from the community about these updates, but welcome your comments and suggestions for improvements. The Board welcomed another new member, Dawn Holland from the University of Hull. The time […]
Since the last update in November on how Jisc presents its Library Support offer, there has been a significant amount of progress made on key aspects of the Transformation project, both internally and externally. Internally, the focus has been on taking forward the Data Orchestration work, and to a lesser extent the workflow mapping and […]
The following text is the press release from Jisc and OCLC announcing their plan to collaboratively build and deliver the centrepiece system that was first envisaged in the National Monograph Strategy Roadmap (published in September 2014). That document talked about the need for a National Knowledgebase that would drive a range of functions and we are, following […]
As one of the largest services within Jisc’s Library Support Services portfolio, Knowledge Base+ (KB+) has a central role to play in the resource management lifecycle. Read more about the service, its background and details of one day workshops in 2017 below. Room for improvement In 2015, research was undertaken to better understand how KB+ […]
The Jisc Collection Management Community Advisory Board (CMCAB) met on the 7th November 2016 in Manchester, and welcomed a new member, Mark Hughes, Head of Library Services at Cardiff Metropolitan University. Details of the other members of the Board are provided in the Board report from July. A brief summary of the meeting follows: Updates […]