We’re pleased to announce that the holdings of more Open Access services and University Libraries have been added to the Discover service. In addition to content from the Directory of Open Access Books and the Directory of Open Access Journals (see our blog posts Helping you find OA resources on Discover and Open access resources on Library Hub Discover), we’ve just loaded more Open Access content from:
Hathi Trust
The HathiTrust Digital Library is a digital preservation repository and highly functional access platform. Founded in 2008, HathiTrust is a not-for-profit collaborative of academic and research libraries preserving 17+ million digitized items.
Explore their holdings on Discover
Historical Texts
Historical Texts (a Jisc service, provided alongside Library Hub services) is a full text digital archive enabling you to cross search, view and download over 460,000 texts published in the late C15th to the long C19th from four key collections. Of these, the UK Medical Heritage Library (UKMHL) (1800s-1900s) collection provides Open Access content (available to all without subscription).
Explore their holdings on Discover
Journal Archives
Journal Archives (a Jisc service, provided alongside Library Hub services) brings together content from 8 major publishers: Brill, Institution of Civil Engineers, Institute of Physics, ProQuest, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, the Royal Society of Chemistry and Taylor and Francis as well as the complete run of the feminist magazine Spare Rib. Open Access content includes Spare Rib (available to all without subscription).
Explore their holdings on Discover.
We’ve also loaded three new University Library catalogues:
Bishop Grosseteste University

The Library at Bishop Grosseteste University is a truly communal, inclusive space used by students across all programmes. The Library is promoted through comprehensive LibGuides site and social media, and reading for pleasure is actively encouraged. Close ties are maintained with the student body via the Students’ Union, student reps and student shelvers.
Find out more about the library on their Discover information page.
University of Salford

The University of Salford has two library sites and several library spaces on the Main Campus and at MediaCityUK. The main library, Clifford Whitworth, has recently been fully refurbished, offering bright, fresh, technology enabled study areas with a variety of attractive work spaces which allow our students the freedom to learn in ways that feel natural and comfortable.
Find out more about the library on their Discover information page.
University of Westminster

University of Westminster Library operates across four sites, three in the West End of London and one in Harrow:
- Cavendish Library contains the main collection for Biomedical Sciences, Biosciences, Computing and Engineering.
- Harrow Library contains the main collection for Art and Design, Fashion, Journalism and Digital Media.
- Marylebone Library contains the main collection for Accounting and Economics, Business, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Property and Construction. It also contains the main collection for Architecture, Planning, Housing, Urban Design.
- Regent Library contains the main collection to support History, Law, Literature and Languages, Politics and Social Sciences.
Find out more about the library on their Discover information page.
Explore the libraries’ collections on Discover
– Selecting the search code to the right of each library name on the About page enables you search for all the records from an individual library.
– To browse or limit your search to the holdings of any library, or group of libraries, use Advanced Search to select the Libraries tab and choose the library name from the list of libraries.