Library Hub Compare

Library Hub Compare: join our webinar for a refresher on what’s new and to help set future priorities

Since the launch of Library Hub Compare in July 2019 we have introduced various interface improvements in response to feedback from users.  We will be running a webinar on Wednesday 18th November from 2 – 2.45pm covering the following: An overview of interface changes since last year’s launch, incorporating a basic demo for those new […]

Contributors Library Hub Discover

Library Hub Discover: highlighting Specialist Libraries and Historic Collections

This blog post forms part of History Day 2020, a day of online interactive events for students, researchers and history enthusiasts to explore library, museum, archive and history collections across the UK and beyond. Jisc Library Hub Discover, a free service, exposes rare and unique research material by bringing together the catalogues of over 165 […]

Library Hub Discover Licensing

Making OA Monographs Discoverable – Response to the COPIM Report

Given that it was Open Access Week last week, I’m a little late to the party. But what I did do last week, was participate in a panel organised by EBSCO that explored Open Reliable Access to Trustworthy OA Resources. Some of the points made in that panel on OA monograph discovery will resurface in […]

Contributors Library Hub Discover

Latest University and Specialist library catalogues added to Discover

We’re pleased to announce that the holdings of the University of West London, the Salvation Army International Heritage Centre, Museum of the Order of St John Library, Glasgow School of Art and Oxford Brookes University have been added to the Library Hub Discover service. University of West London The University of West London operates libraries […]

Library Hub Cataloguing

Library Hub Cataloguing: hear about our plans for 2021 and beyond

Since the launch of Library Hub Cataloguing in July 2019 the service has continued to develop in response to feedback from users. We will be running a short webinar on Wednesday 7th October from 11.00 -11.30am to announce details of some changes to the way the service is delivered in 2021 and outline our continuing […]