NBK Phase 1 Complete – Join Us for Phase 2!

The National Bibliographic Knowledgebase (NBK) is a transformative new national service that will aggregate bibliographic data at scale and link with a number of other data sources to help users to more effectively find, access and use print and digital scholarly resources. It will also greatly enhance the ability of libraries to more effectively manage […]


NBK Community Data Quality and Efficiency Task and Finish Groups

We would like to convene some funded community groups to look at issues and possible interventions that might be made to enhance the quality and efficiency of library bibliographic and holdings data. As well as being of broad sectoral benefit, the objective of these groups will be to work on a set of structured challenges that […]

New UK-wide service will transform library collaboration: The National Bibliographic Knowledgebase

The following text is the press release from Jisc and OCLC announcing their plan to collaboratively build and deliver the centrepiece system that was first envisaged in the National Monograph Strategy Roadmap (published in September 2014). That document talked about the need for a National Knowledgebase that would drive a range of functions and we are, following […]

The National Bibliographic Knowledgebase

Jisc has been working very closely with representatives from the academic library sector (and in particular RLUK, SCONUL and the British Library) to refine and articulate requirements for a new large scale national service. The proposed title of the service is the National Bibliographic Knowledgebase (or NBK for short). National Bibliographic Knowledgebase This is essentially the Knowledgebase that the National […]